My little Sophia turned 5 just a few days ago. To celebrate this and make all little girls look and feel like princess, I am running a special event called Little Beauty.
Please note that only 8 spots are available and they have to be reserved at least 7 days prior the event that will last only 3 days: April 10th to April 12th. Please fill out the form below to let me know what is the best day and time to contact you over the phone. I need to discuss all the details with you on the phone no later than April 1st.
1) Please indicate in your message the day you want for your photo shoot: April 10th (Friday), April 11th (Saturday), or April 12th (Sunday).
2) Please let me know what is the best day and time to contact you over the phone (no later than April 1st).
3) To reserve your time slot, you must pay a non-refundable retainer at least 7 days prior to the day of the photo shoot.
The photo shoot will take place in Independence, Ks.